Champion of the Wild 2nd ed
Christmas last order dates:
UK: 12th December
EU: 5th December
Rest of the World: 28th November
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About the game
The Champion of the Wild is a social card game for 3-8 players in which each player takes on the role of a professional animal coach, training elite animal athletes for competition. It's family-friendly and the basic version takes around 20-30 minutes to play.
The First Edition was reviewed and recommended by Shut Up and Sit Down (see below) but has been much improved in this Second Edition.
The Second Edition adds 4 new game variants (with play time 20-90 minutes) along with 15 new events, 8 more animals and upgraded components - see the Kickstarter campaign here for more details.
In the Triathlon variant, which new players are advised to play first, coaches choose one animal from a hand of 7 cards to represent them in 3 different physical events, with each event coming from a different category (Speed, Power, Endurance, Technical or Team).
Each event is then discussed in turn, as coaches put forward their chosen strategies for each event to maximise the performance of their animal, when competing against the animals chosen by the other coaches.
Based on a voting system, coaches score points in each event - these are revealed at the end to discover who has become The Champion of the Wild.
The new variants play in a similar way, including another Triathlon, 2 types of Pentathlon & a Decathlon summarised below :