French, German & Norwegian translations completed

Click the appropriate links below to access the files:

German rulebook PDF
French rulebook PDF
Norwegian rulebook PDF


Also find below the translation documents for some of the animal and event cards as we have available currently.

Event cards French translation

Animal cards French translation

Event cards German translation

Animal cards German translation

Animal and event card Norwegian translation
Animal cards translation (Spanish)


Thanks to the following backers for their help with translations:

GERMAN - Christoph Spieker, Phillip Staudacher, Ryan Palfreyman, Florian Kohlar, Sean Sapcariu, Matthias Wiechol, Mareike Hoksch and Falk Jensen
FRENCH - David Pierrot, Jo Payet, Jérémie Thériault & Sophie Charreton
SPANISH - Felipe Trenova
NORWEGIAN - Susanne Aase